
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

An Update; An Intention Declared

 January 27, 2016

I realize it has been a while since I brought people up to date with the doing of the book.  The past month has not been a writer's month.  The week of Christmas I hurt my back, slipped a disc in my lower back and am just now beginning to feel like it will get better.  Pain and the inability to move around makes writing almost impossible.  And I think I just haven't known what to do next.  I haven't been taking too many photographs either.  There is a lot of things going on in my physical world and it has kept me from my actual work.

Yesterday Emma and I went out to the Bookmill and it helped me to begin to organize a work plan.  Today I wanted to begin to institute that plan.  Having the blog to do daily made me write and attend to the work, that was the intention and I need something similiar to keep me on track.  So I am going to start a new project.

I am going to photograph women of all ages.  I'll let you know as I develop it. 

Meanwhile, I am going to refine 2 stories and my own to send to Seal Press by the end of February.  That is my claimed intention.  

Don't give up on me.  This book will be a reality soon.  

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Jan. 3, 2016; Looking Back

I have spent the day reviewing photographs of 2015.   I spent the day not only deciding which photographs were the best, but which ones represent my favorite moments of the year.  The mom was so happy and pleased with herself when Emma and I went to meet her new babies when they were first born.

Just a small trip down a little bit of the year.  

I still haven't decided  how I will continue this blog.  Once I've organized my line of action for both the blog and the book I will let people know.  Meanwhile, I will periodically show pictures of highlights of 2015.