
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day # 272: A Dull Blogging Day


In the past couple of days I have found a few blogs that I've really liked.  My friend Trace has been posting a lot of interesting information on Google+ and Twitter including re-posting part of my blog on Monday night and sharing it.  I really appreciate this because I only have a week now and the more sharing that happens, the better.  When this is all over and done with I promise I will create that resource list I have been promising for nine months. I think that the power of story is truly awesome, so finding other blogs that are telling peoples' stories is great.

Surviving Adopted


I did get some more written today.  Having two full hours to write in while Emma is in dance class has been very successful for me. 

If you have a teen and school is just disastrous, check out this school.  There maybe one like it near you.  It is a really interesting program.  It is encouraging kids to be collaborative learners in an open setting.  They help them try to articulate what their goals are and what they need to do to get there with many different resources.  The kids are getting education from many different places.

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