
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day # 259: Lindy's River

What you get from me tonight is photography, pretty pictures of the Green River at 5 p.m.  When Kora was a very little girl she and her mother and friends would come down from Vermont and swim here with me.  Kora referred to it as "Lindy's River."  So this is my river.... well, not really, but it's nice to pretend.  

I am trying desperately to balance the amount of requests, the amount of times I actually post my Indiegogo.  It's difficult to know how much to beg.   It is true that strangers don't tend to give unless there is a real backing from people.  So getting those 5 and 10 dollar gifts is very important.  I've had a lot of hits and a lot of people have started to read my blog this week.  That is very exciting, but I need those small donations, too.

Of course that makes it look like I am not grateful for the donations I have received, which is certainly not the case, I am incredibly grateful for those who have given. Thank you one and all.  My heart was lifted by each and every one of you.  

Meanwhile, I keep writing and I keep getting news from the women about exciting and happy events in their lives.  That too lifts my heart.  

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