
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Day #276: A 365 Day Project


A day of photography.  A Saturday; a farmers' market day, and day of color, a day of beauty.

So Sunday is the Feast of Saint Francis. Let's take him out of our gardens and look beyond services where we bless our dogs. Saint Francis lived and preached peace. One of my favorite stories is about the hungry wolf. It goes something like this.
Once upon a time there was a small village in Italy that lived in terror because a wolf kept coming to the village and attacking the people. They sent for Francis, the man who could talk with the animals, for help.
Francis said Ok and went to find the wolf and had a chat. When he asked the wolf why are you attacking the village the wolf answered. "I am hungry."
The moral of the story is simple. Feed the wolf.
In this day of everyday terrors of all kinds, I invite you first to look inside yourself and find the wolf and feed him and then look around you and find the wolves and figure out what kind of food they need.
We all have wolves and we all need food. We can work this out I pray before it is too late. Loren McGrail; 10/3/2015

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