# 364
This is what I wanted last night for a Rumi quote. It was on my wall when I got up this morning; perfect timing.
Do you remember what the purpose of doing this blog was back on January 1st? It was to do a 365 Day photo project and keep my eye on beauty. I documented the year with the idea of beauty in the forefront. All over social media today there were blurbs about intentionally finding beauty each day of ones' life and the healthy impact it has on ones' bodies. Everyday this year I have focused on beauty for at least 15 minutes and I have documented as much of it as I could. That has been a successful goal.
Now the reason for doing this was to balance my life while I dug into researching Original Mother grief, grief in general and the largeer impact of adoption. I knew from the beginning that it was going to be a painful journey and I wanted to intentionally do something to be balanced. I wanted to be done with the text of the book by tomorrow. I won't reach that goal. Sustaining writing has been so much more physically demanding than I would have ever imagined. But don't worry, it will be done.
I love the book today more than I loved it a year ago. I have only met 3 of the women I interviewed, but I feel as though I have 15 more friends. And the others, the professionals, the adoptees, the original fathers, they have all enriched my life. I will keep on it, it will get finished.
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