
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day # 335: Winding Up the Year

# 335

We have entered December, rainy, cold, foggy, December.  To start the month off I would like to highlight some of the resources I have drawn upon this year.  Tonight I have a post from a Lorraine Dusky's website,  Lorraine also has a book out that I have mentioned, A Hole In My Heart.  I have not gotten a chance to read it yet, but it is getting recommended by other adoption fellows.  I feel as though Lorraine is proactive and thoughtful and I try to read her often.

I did read a lot this year.  I have been listing the books as I have read them, but it might be useful to pull together a list of the one's I felt others interested in adoption should read.  I'll do that.

The main purpose of this blog was to have a place to focus on beauty.  I think I have made use of that throughout the year, or at least I have tried.  I do have places I draw from when I need to insert some beauty such as off Poet Seat or at the corner of Stillwater and Upper Rd. in Deerfield.  I can go to one of 10 or so places and be sure to take in something beautiful.  And my trusty camera has stayed by my side and continued to take beautiful photos.


It has also been interesting for me to look back at my blog from 5 years ago and reflect and compare.  One of the most interesting facts for me is how many wonderful people are still in my life.  There is a pattern.  Here's Vince.  I'm kind of amazed that our friendship is 5 years old.  He and I started sharing around the time that Mom passed away.  And then of course there is Emma and the growing of Emma.  She was 9 when I began the last blog and she just turned 15.  Phenomenal!!

And there has been poetry.  I have made a list of all the poems I posted this year.  I have gone through them and chosen a half dozen to add to my manuscript which I've been working on.  Maybe by February it will be ready to submit.  I hope so.

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