
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day #113: More Gratitude

 I am grateful for:
1) happy girls
2) books, books and more books
3) lovely music while watching snow clouds roll by
4) poetry sharing
5) stretches of time to write in

This is what I was grateful for 5 years ago today. 

I have to do my grateful for activity now, for I am weepy.

I am grateful for my ability to talk about how people feel
I am grateful that I was raised by a woman who embodies tolerance, in a home where tolerance was the expected way of being, whether for each other, for racial difference, religious difference, or food differences, we were expected to understand and accept those differences, support them in each other. I know that her father had expected that of her, too. 
I am grateful for all of those museums I was dragged through as a little girl.
I am grateful for the green outside my window this morning.

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