
Friday, April 3, 2015

Day # 93: Too Tired Tonight


I am thankful for
Honest friends
In drizzly afternoon light.

The strength of my thighs
Large bones
That keep me upright
And carry me into
Covered in dried leaves
Barren trees
Black skeletons against a grey sky
And that one spot
Of bright red on
That berry bush

I am thankful for
His childlike hugs
Against her sinewy body
That is changing shape so rapidly
While she yells for it to stop
And just let her be barefoot
With wild hair
A wild smile
Like a cat she
Rubs up against him.

I am thankful for
My spirit
And my spirits.
I am thankful for song
And dripping fruit.


I am thankful
I am
But I am sad, too.

Sad because
I won’t touch
Your delicate soft hand
Your eyes won’t
Look at me, inviting me to sit
Your mind won’t
Be there to catch the irony.
A touch of your aesthetic
Your color
Your smile
Your grace

Will not be with us.

It’s not that I’m not thankful
I am
But I am sad, too.
Sad because
I’ll never hear
The sound of your flute
Or your voice
Even as it began to falter
Your lungs were strong
Your breath
Your voice
Spoke volume to all of us.

I am thankful
That for 57 years you
Embraced my life
But I am sad, too.
I miss you.

That was when buying one pink balloon made us both really happy for a couple of days.

It was not a routine day.  I had visitors and dinner with friends.  I spent the entire day talking and I have lost my voice again tonight.  So I leave you with a poem and pictures.   

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