
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Day # 165: Forward On

Good evening, World!

What a month it has been? I lost my computer on May 16th and my last backup was April 24th, so I lost everything in between including my photo shoot of Fire Pond and the first set of photos of the newborn goats. What's even more daunting is in order to get anything off of my external drive I have to save stuff one piece at a time, which is so time consuming. Recovering anything is as slow as molasses. Therefore, I am going to start all over again with each woman and create new files on each. It is crazy, but it has to be done. I am now happy I have done all of my writing this month long hand.

It is a lovely evening.  I realized that one day I lost was a day I sat by Highland Pond over a month ago and took pictures.  They are gone, so I went over tonight and took some more.  It is so lovely over there, and so full of June green.

The bunnies are now big enough to come out into the meadows by the college.  I miss going to look for baby animals.  

I am back on schedule starting tomorrow.  I may even go to the Bookmill in the afternoon and write there.  

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