
Monday, June 15, 2015

Day #166: Rereading Some Greats


I am having a harder time catching up with myself than I thought I would.  It has been a month since I have interviewed anyone.  Today I started reestablishing files on everyone and catching up on Adoptionland.  It has been raining all day, which is like having it snow, forcing one to stay inside and work.  But it feels too slow to me.  Oh well, patience is a virtue and all of that.

Here are my Goddaughters five years ago, holy bologna, what happens in five years?  Kora had just returned from India and was ready to join Doctors without Borders, Emma said, I'll join Vets without Borders and we'll travel the world together.  A lot has happened since then.

This is the same corner of my side yard that I posted all winter as the snow covered that chair.  A little different today in the rain.  It is extremely lush and the plant life is drinking up the moisture. 

I saw an old friend today and told him about this blog reminding myself that it is a 365 Day project.  We are almost half way through this year.  A lot has happened and I have accomplished some.  This month has been exciting, but not my own.  So I am trying to get back into the swing of things.  One thing I want to do immediately is reread Belle Hooks.  I also want to reread some Audre Lorde.  I think there is a basis for what my data says inside the works of these two women.  I'm excited to go back and see if I am right.  Meanwhile, I need to restore my filing and begin to write again.  I am going to the Bookmill tomorrow to do some actual writing. I'll bring those books, too.

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