
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day #50: Picture Taking

50 Days, amazing.    Think it was cold today?  I guess.  They still went for a walk at the Cove and I got to take plenty of pictures and had a very nice day. 

We had our first meeting of our Birthmother Support Group tonight.  Only two of us showed so we brainstormed ways to get others there and we brainstormed ideas to do.  I am feeling very excited by how all of my work is coming together.  I have a lot in front of me and still time to get it accomplished. 

Talked to my niece, Grace, yesterday about how to bring the strands of my blog braid together in a slightly tighter way.  I'm not sure everyone sees the connection between the photos and my adoption work.  I set the blog up to be a balance, an intentional thoughtful balance so that my life did not get too hard and leaning too far only in the adoption world. 

Photography has been that intentional act of recognizing the beauty in my life since 2010.  I count on it to keep me seeing.  I count on my writing to keep me speaking.  I want to continue to share what I see in this world.  I see more than beauty and I take pictures of other things, but on this blog I thought I would focus on beauty.    

Anyway, I will work a little harder on making the connections clearer.  But I have to tell you, this is kinda how my brain works.  It is like a large snail shell.  Really it is.

I think I heard many more birds than I saw today.  They are there.  Little signs of their return appear early in the morning.  But the weather forecast is for more snow and ice over the weekend and a big snow storm in the middle of next week.  It is mating season for the big birds, the eagles and hawks, and apparently some people use the return of the turkey vulture as the true first sign of spring.  It's on it's way, but we really do still have a couple of hard weeks of winter.  And then there is this cold.  It is really cold for late February.  So keep those feeders stocked you all and post pictures of the little ones.  

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