
Monday, November 2, 2015

Day # 306: Poem Group Two


Tiny Trees and Happy Plates

Eating supper
with Liam,
I pick out my broccoli florettes
and carefully place them 
on his plate.
I eat the bland blocks 
of the yellow-green stalks.
He offers me little bites in return,
and tells me 
it's very, very good, Mommy.

He shovels applesauce
into his mouth
globs sticking to the corners
of his smile.
I scrape the last bite 
from the bowl
and feed it to him.
Talk of tiny trees
and happy plates and bowls.

There will come a day
when broccoli 
is merely a good source
of fiber
and dishes no longer
have the capacity 
for emotions.

But for now, 
I'll eat the bland stalks
and smile 
at my boy
growing big and strong
across from me
at the kitchen table.
                      c GRACE

November pink
               creeps up slowly
               from behind the russet  mountains.
Begins to layer in brighter shades
sky a fuchsia
with dark behind.


Clattered thoughts
tumbling, trying to find
their proper place
where they just slip in
settle down for the winter.

timing is everything
my watch slowed down
I lost my rhythm
I stumbled in the hall.

Something's not quite right
               out of whack
               just out of reach
Something's not quite right
               turned over
               just past my hand.


November pink
               crept into my bed.
Attached itself to my soul
and ready or not
here it comes
ready or not
clattered thoughts remain
with the dark close behind.

My Word: Pam Mcrae; this is a valuable read for those of you interested in adoption.Pamela Loveless McRae

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