
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day # 333: One third of 1000 days.

# 333

Sculpting A New Life

My baby was lost in 1972
2 weeks before Christmas
Dug deep into myself
walked the path
I was lead to believe
was the right path
the right direction
the way towards a grounded
life I was born to live.

I wandered in and out of classrooms
met teachers and students
read books, tried to drink
tried to pass as a young adult
tried to hold onto anyone
who seemed to want to
               hold me
               sing to me
               look up into my eyes.

Tried to move faster
than the growing heart pain.

Searching for acceptance
I moved up to  Vermont
away from
kisses that tangled themselves
around my knowing better
Mysterious love letters
mysterious love making to Neil Young
He and I made love just before I
drove to Vermont early in September.
just before I began to
carve my life to fit my own
carve my life to be the woman
I wanted
to carve my life to embrace
me; the me I wanted to know.

It took more time
to untangle he(s) from me
to let go of the common trap
that if a man loved me
               only me
than I was accepted
worthy of acceptance
               could define me.

Could define me
in another's mirror.
The he(s) kept lining up
               Everything crashed

And I was given you
not to straddle or kiss
but to lay out rawness
to wrestle with me
wrestle with the real me

not to swim in a moonlit pond
not to discover new songs
not to hold me into sunrise

but to find me
travel next to me in that
journey to me.

You were placed in my life
to bring me tools
special hammers
sand paper and chisels
to help me carve
the life of me

Our time to let go has come
If you are no longer by my side,
does that change the carving
I have grown to believe is me?
Have I chiseled you into
               my sculpture
               so your leaving
               breaks a piece of me off?

Think this was the last pint of ice cream I ever bought myself.  LOL

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