
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day # 318: It's Saturday Night

# 318

This downy is just not afraid of me.  He let me get really close and never flew away.  I thought maybe he was dead in the tree.  He was at my height in the lilac bush with the wind blowing hard.  But he was fine, just not afraid of me.  Then the red belly flew by, I didn't catch him.   Nice start to my day.

Another Saturday night....
Finished watching the adoption summit.  If people are interested in watching it you have to register first with   There are videos of the whole summit and extra materials.  There is day of adoptees, a day of adoptive parents, and a day with original mothers.  For a first attempt at providing such a resource, I think they did a good job.  

The creation of a bee's nest is proof of miracles if you ask me.  Amazing!

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