
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day # 69: An Important Role Model Is Gone

 I am late tonight because I just witnessed Greenfield Center School's 8th Grade Ambitious Projects Presentation, and ambitious they were, and inspiring they were. One very shy young woman learned to play Ode To Joy on the Cello.  Really!  One young man sculpted a penguin out of wood.  The final picture in this entry is a display of soap stone carvings that this young man taught himself how to do.  And all 7 kids presented to a panel  who responded to their work and asked questions; all seven did their presentations with poise and confidence, even when they admitted they didn't know what they were doing.   It was exciting to watch.  And once again I sing the Center School's praises.... really, such a great community.

Yesterday we lost Juanita Nelson to another plain.  She was 91 and had voiced her readiness to go. I have posted the article in the local paper about her; you can read it if you wish.  Juanita was a good friend to a lot of my friends.  For me she was a role model.  People talk about her living her principles.  It was obvious that she was centered in her beliefs and she walked the walk.  Our lives connected with much synchronicity.  Often she would appear when her presence was needed in some event I was coordinating.  During the 90's I was involved with many weekend long events for adult basic education students and professionals.  Juanita would join us for a meal and share her experiences with social action.  She spoke to this group with such clarity.  I loved it when she came.

 Recorder file/Paul Franz<br/>Juanita Nelson was a lifelong activist who was arrested numerous times at tax resistance and civil rights protests during the 1960s and 1970s and beyond.

R.I.P. Juanita.  You were a positive influence on this world, and I for one really appreciated your work and your existence. Thank YOU.

artwork by Edwin

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