There is a poem in all of this
to be mounted on my wall
like a moose head or a 10 point buck
To drag myself through the mine field of triggers on purpose
is it the work or is it masochism?
I am distracted by the downy picking off seeds from Hogwart
and I watch the all white gull glide over the gleam
of the rippling water pushing inward towards high tide.
Mockingbirds chase away the crow and butterflies flit across
yellow, purple and green. Take me back
to the time when the stabs were still bleeding
and family couldn't possibly know how to help.
Take me back to the time when I found out
doing the right thing was not always doing the right
thing for myself, doing something so painful I would not
recover, recovery was not the goal, accepting was.
This work is worth the continuous pull on the scab
the reopening the almost healed over slash.
This needs to be done to shine a light on the frequent
stories of when the baby was born and the mom walked
away. Or when she
gave birth and someone convinced her
she was unable to care for this child she'd already learned
to love.
Another hour of listening with the sun shining on my back
the surf continues its motion against the rocks
a breeze does begin to pick up, and I need to rest
to listen, and smell and see....
my heart is heavy reading this