
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day # 227: Following up on some threads


 The wind just whipped up and the sky got dark with that orange green darkness.  Someone reminded me today that Hurricane Irene was three years ago.  It feels like longer than that.  I think the first time I noticed these huge clouds that look like they go up as opposed to across was maybe four years ago.  Can that be true?  Meteorologists named new clouds, right?  Or am I making it all up?  Lightning just flashed and thunder came almost directly afterwards.  I suppose I should turn off the computer.  There has been no rain, though.  My maple tree above my car, that I worried about all winter, is being very dramatic.  And now it is still.  Something really near me just got hit and the rain is coming down.  I'm off.

Back again.  That added some drama to my life, but nothing too exciting.

I wanted to pick up on some threads that have appeared throughout this blog this year.  The first left thread maybe sweater stories, but it is too hot tonight to think about a sweater story.  Forgiveness is another thread and I heard about two more books that I want to read.  One of them is by the Dalai Lama and the other is called Resilience and the author's name is escaping me, but I think people can google it.  I am going to pick up the Dalai Lama book asap.  Anyone interested in talking about these books?

Another important thread was the conversation about tribe.  Has anyone developed any new ideas about tribe?  I heard someone say the other day, "those aren't our people."  And I was curious to know exactly what they meant by that.   How do we make those decisions?  When are we being too judgmental in our conclusions and when is it just that some people feel like our community and some people don't.  How do we widen our comfort zones?

I also want people to know that my blog gets more hits when I talk about photography than any other issue I address.  

Here is a new adoption book, which is both exciting for me to see and a little scary because it is a little close to mine.  Now I know I have to finish up.  Look for the indiegogo in the next three days.   


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