
Friday, August 28, 2015

Day #240: Silence


This is looking up at Poet's Seat where I usually take photographs of the sunset.  I went down to the field below to take the moon rising behind the tower, but the mosquitoes chased me away before I could try.  I did take some moon shots, but from the car and not with a tripod.  They are boring.  But the moon is not.  She's beautiful tonight.  

as the humidity returns
as the sun sets
as the birds stay still.
People bend their heads
a silent prayer
to quiet endings
to slow starts
to hopeful resolutions
People bend their heads

Golden light spreads over green
turns silver a potter's touch;
A porcelain night
smooth and calm.
My eyes deceived in evening glow.
They wait for moon light
to ease the strain
to end the day
to pray
porcelain becomes an orange glow
the final cry until tomorrow.

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