
Friday, July 31, 2015

Day # 212:Trying to stay focused

It is Friday and beautiful out there.  I find myself dreaming of being on a boat more than writing a book, but I'm trying to stay focused.  The bay is full of sail boats and there is a tanker out in the ocean.  It is noon and hot and summery.

I just had a funny memory while listening to one of my interviews.  I remember lying in my hospital bed and someone from the hospital coming in and asking me if I wanted a picture of my daughter taken.  I remember thinking it was some kind of money scam or way for extra money to be made like aboard ships or entering the Boston Aquarium.  Anyway, I said, "no" because I didn't have any money.  But now that I've listened to enough of these stories, I realize the social workers were making sure moms went home with pictures of their newborns even if they were being relinquished.  Makes me sad, she was beautiful at birth.

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