
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day #25: Poem Six

Cold ring of moon light
softens the air above tonight.
Clouds will soon hide her.
Storm pours rapidly
into the Northeast landscape.
Colors the ground pure white.
Will I remain warm
dry and safe inside my home
until moon returns?

I spent two hours writing poetry tonight and most of it was bad, bad.  So I will not burden you with it. I have written a couple poems about adoption that I like, but most of it is not good, too oversimplified and over sentimental.  But I'll get there.  This has been a really nice way to practice.  Don't worry, you only have one more day of the poetry piece.

I did buy the Desmund Tutu book on forgiveness today.  I am very excited about beginning the work part of it.  I sat and read the first 2 chapters while Emma looked through Manga this afternoon.  We both left very excited about our buys.

Below is another link for an adoption blog.  The post on it today spoke to me and I believe is important for all to read who are thinking about going into reunion.  Here it is.

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