I suppose it is important for me to remember that this is a 365 Day photo project. Here is Day #28. Four completed weeks. Pretty cool. Today I spent a good part of the afternoon learning how to expand my blog from a technical lens. Very exciting, I am now going to be able to add a resource page and a way for people to contact me, and an open Followers page. Unfortunately, you do have to join Google+ to add comments directly onto the blog or to become a follower. So those of you who don't want to do that, continue to use fb, Twitter or my e mail connection now present on the right side column. I can also add a slide show of 2010's photos.
I've been going through my prints of 2010 and trying to figure out a good way to present them. There are too many to do a full blown book, I think, and I like the idea of a slide show. Once I get it up I'll take a vote and we'll see.
After Trace and I left Mesa Verde, our favorite work and watering hole, I took a small ride in the afternoon sun just because I hadn't seen the sun in a couple of days and I had been in the house for over 36 hours. We certainly did not get a large amount of snow, but we were the odd ones and the rest of the commonwealth was buried. But it did look fresh and clean. Thank you Mother Nature.
The following link is good news for adoptees from Ohio. Let's hope it is a trend.
we'll talk sliders next week! <3